How long have you worked in your role, and what do you enjoy most?
I’ve been with OpusXenta since September last year, so still fairly new! Mostly, I enjoy the challenge. There’s never a dull moment and there’s always a lot to learn.
What other roles/careers have you previously had?
I’ve worked in conservation, horticulture, retail, construction, and more; but my favourite role was with an EAL school where I created training materials for the teaching staff. I love writing, and that’s something that’s definitely transferred across to this role.
What is your favourite quote?
A couple of quotes I enjoy:
“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.” – Gordon A. Eadie
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver
What are three words that best describe you?
Calm, Friendly, Bookish
Tell us about yourself outside of work.
In my free time you can usually find me with my nose in a book, but I also love hiking, cooking, and getting lost in big cities.
What advice would you give your twelve-year-old self?
When your friends invite you to go travelling Australia with them, say yes! You’ll never regret adventures with the people you care about.
If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower and why?
To breathe underwater. There’s nothing more beautiful to me than the ocean, and I’d love to explore it without limitations.
If you were an ice cream, what flavour would you be and why?
Maybe a boysenberry swirl. It’s low-key and subtle, but it has a layer of exciting fruity flavour.
Which famous people would you invite to a dinner party? They could be dead or alive.
Stephen Fry: He’d be an endlessly interesting conversation partner.
Neil Gaiman: He’d bring a relaxing vibe to the table, and I’d love to pick his brain about all things writing.